WIC - Miami-Dade CHD

  • WIC - Miami-Dade CHD
  • 1350 NW 14th St, Miami, FL 33125, USA
(305) 470-5620
WIC - Miami-Dade CHD image 1

The Official WIC program is available to low to moderate income pregnant women, recently delivered women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk. Fathers can also bring their children to apply for WIC. You may apply for WIC if you are working or unemployed. Check the Income Guidelines Table to see if you are eligible for WIC. This website was created for women looking for WIC information and locations. We are also working towards adding other locations and services that may help out women.

Office Information:

Miami-Dade CHD, Womens Health & Preventive Services offers pregnancy testing, PEPW, Healthy Start screening, prenatal vitamins, WIC referral.

Pregnant women are then referred to prenatal providers who will accept PEPW, and clinics that will see women unable to get Medicaid on a sliding scale.

Other services include preconception counseling, family planning, HIV testing, STD testing and treatment, immunizations (free), and referrals for pediatric care.

The following Womens Health Clinics are strategically located throughout Miami-Dade County: Little Haiti Center, 300 NW 80th Terrace (305) 795-2100; Downtown Unit, 1350 NW 14th St, Bldg 5 (305) 325-2758; West Dade Clinic, 11865 SW 26th St, (305) 225-5950; Florida City, 632 NW 14th St, Florida City (305) 242-2443; and the West Perrine Center located at 18255 Homestead Ave, (305) 234-5400. Callers needing more information or unsure which clinic is closest to them can also call the Miami-Dade CHD Switchboard, (305) 324-2400.

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