Hawaiian Airlines Seat Selecti

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(716) 791-9668
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(1) Hawaiian Airlines has a variety of seating cabin options, including Main Cabin Basic (1), Main Cabin (2), and 3. Favorite Seats in the Main Cabin 4: More Comfort 5: First Class Cabin Sixth: Superior Quality.
(2) Hawaiian Airlines selects seats based on availability, so they operate under the motto “First Come, First Served.”
(3) Hawaiian Airlines’ preferred seats are nontransferable, nonrefundable, and subject to cancellation at any time with no penalty if payment is not received in full.

(4) Hawaiian Airlines’ additional comfort seats vary depending on the aircraft type and the destination you have chosen.
(5) If a passenger purchases an additional comfort seat with refundable fares, they will not be eligible for a refund.

(1) Hawaiian Airlines has a variety of seating cabin options, including Main Cabin Basic (1), Main Cabin (2), and 3. Favorite Seats in the Main Cabin 4: More Comfort 5: First Class Cabin Sixth: Superior Quality.
(2) Hawaiian Airlines selects seats based on availability, so they operate under the motto “First Come, First Served.”
(3) Hawaiian Airlines’ preferred seats are nontransferable, nonrefundable, and subject to cancellation at any time with no penalty if payment is not received in full.

(4) Hawaiian Airlines’ additional comfort seats vary depending on the aircraft type and the destination you have chosen.
(5) If a passenger purchases an additional comfort seat with refundable fares, they will not be eligible for a refund.

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