Roofing Maintenance en Bakersfield

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(323) 691-1761
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Roofing Cleaning and Maintenance. Roofing Cleaning and Maintenance Before and After. Repair of a minor leak in the roof of a residential building and blocking the entry of rats through the roof vents. Bakersfield area and surrounding towns.

Fast and Neat Cleaning Services and Junk Removal, Bakersfield, CA – LIC #173768
We clean almost Everything!

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Roofing Cleaning and Maintenance. Roofing Cleaning and Maintenance Before and After. Repair of a minor leak in the roof of a residential building and blocking the entry of rats through the roof vents. Bakersfield area and surrounding towns.

Fast and Neat Cleaning Services and Junk Removal, Bakersfield, CA – LIC #173768
We clean almost Everything!

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